Thread: Signs?
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Old 01-05-2017, 06:51 AM
bluebird21 bluebird21 is offline
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Fairy Crystal - I too have experienced the many similarities with the person I call my twin soul. So specific in fact, like we both spent years saving up for the same car model, how we both had a substance abuse issue with the same substance years ago before our awakening. The similarities in tastes are odd but then we are also total opposites, complimentary, but deep down share an essence. As you said, essence does express it's self outwardly in many ways.

As for your list about twin flames, twin souls, soulmates etc I think there are good relationships full of respect and true love and then not so good relationships and I think it's more powerful to simply focus on what is ACTUALLY going on in the relationship (or lack there of) instead of labeling it.
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