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Old 13-04-2017, 01:59 PM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 386
Originally Posted by Melahin
Yoga should feel good, period! Otherwise you are doing something wrong in your practice, and need to back out of the way you are approaching it. What I think you might be bumping against is your self imposed limited of how much goodness you will allow yourself to feel, and some kinds of yoga will not solve this for you, because they are as rigid as your self imposed limit haha. First principle you might work on is softness:

Have you tried Strala yoga?

Yoga can also feel bad if you aren't consistent, regular and your body is in really a bad place.

I've had a bad back for decades. My yoga practise which I began about 10 years ago, has been irregular and in the last year even more so. And the sore back persisted throughout.

But about two months ago I started being totally consistent on three times per week and with Eccentrics stretching on the days in between and the change has been incredible.

Where it was only in the last five or so minutes of my yoga workout that the eternal kink got worked out and I felt 'good', it has now gotten to where the kink is hardly there right in my warm up and it just gets better from there.

So consistency and regularity is essential, and especially as you get older. It's amazing how quickly a 62 year old can tighten up (and not in a good way!)
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