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Old 03-04-2017, 07:13 PM
Bohdiyana Bohdiyana is offline
Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 406
Ah so many Buddhist's do pray. Prayer wheels duh lol I forgot bout those. I was confused because I assumed Buddhism did not believe in a God so why believe in prayer? But then, it turns out Buddha was raised Hindu and according to some web sites did believe in many gods. I also googled it and web says a lot of Buddhist's do believe in God and pray. Many Christians meditate and many Buddhists pray. I think really humans are all the same deep down so that's how I would explain it. Really we are all the same no matter what group we claim to belong to or follow. I would say all the groups or labels are just temporary superficial things from social and cultural conditioning. One life you may be Christian, one life Buddhist, one life something else or even an atheist. Love is the only consistent I would say. Learning to be full of unconditional love for yourself and others. Full of empathy, compassion. Don't really make a difference what religion you follow.
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