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Old 22-03-2017, 11:24 PM
weareunity weareunity is offline
Join Date: Jan 2017
Posts: 779
Ego came to the village.

Not nourished with love, Ego came to the village, knowing only the way of seeking more and needing to be most. Ego grasped much, never satisfied, finding no fulfillment.

The old woman, childless, took Ego into her home and into her heart, and in the market old men shared their past and their secrets.

Slowly Ego found what Ego had always sought but had never truly known--for love came and filled the well of nothingness and non belonging.

"How can I thank you mother?"
"And how can I thank you son?"

In loving and being loved
We find ourselves at one.

And the old men, seeing the wonder, said amongst each other,
"Love is indeed a powerful mystery."
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