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Old 18-03-2017, 12:50 PM
Monad Monad is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2017
Posts: 21
Our realm is very different from the one you live in, there are no limitations, we create our world as well as others too:-) but this one is rather a subject for an other discussion. Since pure will creates everything, we create what we want, one rule applies, that it has to create something good. But of course you have the freedom to create a beautiful surrounding and be in it. This creation energy is now also mixing with your emotional creation energies for the last few months, hence the accelerated manifestation is coming in your lifes. You all can tap into it now. One important note that you need to learn not to doubt your pure and honest will, otherwise you end up with opposing creation energies which at best case cancel each other, depending which gets more thought, emotion will manifest. You guys have now all what it takes to be in control of your own lifes. The purpose of human existence is to ascend, continuous ascension, the next collective task is to become conscious of you are in control of your own lifes and ascension, development, etc.
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