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Old 09-03-2011, 12:58 PM
Posts: n/a
Add me to the mix. Out of curiosity, did either of you read Conversations with God?
I am usually a positive person but I have my days. Had one yesterday as a matter of fact. Something got me twisted in the early AM and I let it control my thoughts the majority of the day. I was mulling over what I should have said, should have done, and was getting more worked up. Every little comment I heard, every action that took place in my mind was building on the negative and nothing seemed to go right. I was being a real butt head by the time I left work. It seemed that a lot of people were having this experience as well. On the ride home, I put on my headphones to block out all the others complaining on the ride home and started reading and wallah, the next paragraph had to deal with what was mulling around in my head.
Honestly, I remember thinking let go and let God (something my Mom said to me) and 1-2 sentences down it say's , Let go and let God.
This not only happens with this book, but it happens a lot when I read the Bible, and Astrology book, pretty much a lot of things I observe.
I used to see 444 every great once and a while. Now I see number sequences like this or 49:49:9 almost on an hourly basis.
Yesterday I seen 2 crows back to back on one post facing opposite directions and 2 sagebrush stalks 2 feet back to back sticking out of a berm.
What does it mean? I haven't made up my mind about it but the thought that kept bouncing through my speeding mind was observe, just observe.
I am sure this will all start making sense in due time.
I did have a funny thought about Let go and let God, 1st that I need to just let things happen and secondly that my intuition is getting stronger because I may have already done this and intuition is me remembering and gives me little clues.
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