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Old 13-03-2017, 02:17 PM
Jyotir Jyotir is offline
Join Date: Jan 2011
Posts: 1,847
Originally Posted by django
Is it ever possible or warranted for a high level practitioner or Teacher to remove another persons karma or to go through it for/with them?
Hi django,

I cannot speak for the Buddhist position on this, but in general, what you are asking about happens all the time. It's quite normal, even if not done casually or arbitrarily. Life is dynamic change, life is consciousness, and life is One Being - of which we are inseparably part and parcel. If a 'high level practitioner' is acting as a conscious instrument of the Will of the Highest - then Grace, compassion, forgiveness - intervention, dispensation is also an aspect of their 'karma'....especially in facilitating the progress of an aspirant, who is part of the master's own being. Of course, every situation is different and unique.

~ J
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