Thread: Shaddow men
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Old 28-02-2017, 10:37 PM
Lynn Lynn is offline
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Here are my thoughts on them, I have worked on clearing them from places and I have seen things I can not explain.

Shadow people are paranormal shadow-like creatures that people usually see in their peripheral vision. Reports suggest that they do not appear to reflect light and that their appearance is essentially a silhouette in black. It’s noted that they do not normally have features beyond an outline for a from. This form usually is in the shape that would be thought on as human. Some at times note that there are general features like eye sockets and a nose feature.

Are shadow people, or shadow beings, to be linked with ghost sightings, some may note similarities and many paranormal experts consider ghost and shadow people one and the same. I do not feel that be the case. Working with Spirits (Ghosts) one is dealing with a clearly HUMAN, with all that made that spirit a physical and living being at one time. However, other experts disagree and claim that shadow people are a separate phenomenon from ghosts for a variety of reasons. The main reason is how a Shadow Being moves, it’s quick and almost with a bounce. It is not like Ghost which is more a floating or flowing motions. When one see’s a Ghost it’s a full on eye contact view….Shadow Beings it’s very much a corner of the eye sighting. Shadow Beings usually are seen to be solid where a Ghost is more translucent in form.

They do not seem to reflect light has led some to theorize that they are from an alternate universe with different laws of physics or perhaps they are caught in a trap between two physical universes.

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