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Old 01-02-2017, 05:02 AM
Clover Clover is offline
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Originally Posted by BellaSage
Hi Clover!

It doesn't sound weird at all! Some crystals I wish I could pull them inside and make them a part of me!

Have you had any experiences yet?

Hello Bella, totally Understandable XD I still don't feel 'energy' from it. I thought that would change with time, however, this has not been the case. I still feel very attached to it, almost like a kid with a blanky (lol) Its always on my desk or near me to fidgit with. I have slept with it and for the first time in a very long time, I am having more vivid dreams. Peaceful dreams too. I am also noticing more vivid 'visitors' in dream state. I think it could be connecting me to astral type 'connections'. So I think this stone works more the subconscious for me ( meditations/dreams)... I really do like it a lot *nods*. Now, I want a big big one! If I can ever afford it! :P I'll be looking to purchasing more in the future and happy to share here when I do!

Thanks for asking
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