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Old 31-01-2017, 06:34 PM
firstandlast firstandlast is offline
Join Date: Dec 2015
Posts: 941
Hmm I been dealing with these things more directly, myself as one--

The harmony of the spheres in realization, is the precise gateway between sound and vision, as well as mind and body in effect--
It is to recognize your vision to be the same thing you are hearing, and hearing to be the same thing you are seeing; and that the other senses are merely refined ratios in harmony twisted upon the ratio of orbital passage ways of all celestial being.
It is not only to realize your perception as living music, but to realize yourself as part of the song, and to see exactly what note you play, which can be shifted upon its string and expanded in resonance.
As a cross between mind and body, it is specifically the realization of one's own soul in shape, after realization of its primordial emptiness; in that when you listen to your own soul, when you come upon a range greater than yourself in perception, it must begin to reoccur within ones self as a manifestation of thought. It is in a sense manifesting the perfect mirror within oneself, but capable of resonating within and without allowing one to shatter the mirror by recursion of reflection and allowing the invisible light of perception to glow beyond the borders of division and into the coherent vision of a singularity. By creating more light to shine upon than there is to be shined upon, bringing in a greater dance that extends beyond the sense of self.

Now something I have not written upon yet, is the nature of knowledge and symbols-- I don't know your vocabulary of interaction, and all this is really self understood; so I will attempt to point to something that is THROUGH a vortex--

When we bring down a divine or perfected symbol, that is a symbol that contains inherent knowledge about the universe.. it is because we are doing something with multiple interactions--

One we have found a divine pattern that repeats through out reality, and in the heavens the patterns is perfects in representation-- Thus we get our pentagram and such (and these of course are vortexes)-- But we must ask why they are a vortex--

And that is, when we bring down a perfected symbol into view; we must understand that in order for that perfected representation to exist, it must be created by the distortions of all symbols interaction (or all patterns).. Which means, the symbol itself must point to things within existence other than itself-- I don't know if I am wording this well, but it is because the symbol as divine perfection would point to itself, it itself is knowledge-- However here, it points to other things in relation to each other!! this is the distortion, and the fact that the divine symbol comes into view through other perfected symbols that move through out reality hidden from view-- Do you see, that I mean something like a cave into the symbols manifestation? Normally we have to talk metaphorically, but that I am trying to be a bit more direct upon this explanation--

So the perfected symbol is imperfectly manifested by perfected symbols that move in an imperfect manner (let us say imperfect by obscuring itself, rather than making itself clearer)--

And than, behind the symbol; in the cave, in the mind.. do these orbital patterns at the points of the perfected symbols that created the perfected symbol in an imperfect land.. move in new ways, for us this is generally a rotation in matter.. but that the rotation can move in more directions than there is to be rotated.. thus allowing us to move on orbits that move outside of our awareness previously had.. by rotating with the vortex, and seeing rotations upon the rotations (creating higher frequencies that are brought down into lower frequencies)-- All this might take a while to put together--

Hopefully I have put enough here about moving through vortexes-- To see how these things play out and interact; but that I am still navigating this realm which just opened to me in order move beyond my body (but that I intend on bringing something through the vortexes that are more resonating as physical things rather than moving out of the physical world as is becoming more a real possibility right now)--
Do not listen to me if you do not wish to be hypnotized into a misleading worldview and become enslaved by alien godz (some might say hindu)-- By reading my posts, you fully consent to initiation into this cult, which may or may not occur--

Stay off the garden path--
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