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Old 23-01-2017, 12:26 AM
Debrah Debrah is offline
Join Date: Sep 2016
Location: Chilliwack, BC
Posts: 386
Originally Posted by Baile
Hi missmetal. I've been on a whole foods only diet for five years now, just vegetables and fruit, in as raw a form as possible. Example, I put spinach and an apple in the blender, add 100% fruit juice, and that's my breakfast, lasts me til noon. I don't take supplements, but I understand why people might need to. I've been thinking about B vitamins lately so I may do that.

Hi Baile, You have to start supplementing your B12 if you want to be healthy. That vitamin is critical to practically every function of your body and brain and you're approaching the point where you're starting to draw down on the stored stuff in your liver with deficiency on it's way!

We have a 6-20 year supply stored there (if you used to be a meat eater) but by the time you get to year 20, you're deep in the throes of deficiency with a very poor prognosis as far as dementia goes plus other symptoms. A couple months ago, I made a point of reading everything I could find on B12, from medical journals and doctors websites and studies and after all of that, I'd be willing to say that unless a persons health is perfect and they are in the prime of life, the majority of people should be supplementing even those who are meat eaters.

Digestive issues, medications, disease processes can all play havoc with your ability to process B12 or absorb it and if you're a vegan or vegetarian it is even more of an issue simply because our diets don't naturally provide it. Please Baile, please, next time you're at the supermarket, pick up a bottle.
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