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Old 22-01-2017, 01:40 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Still_Waters
Like yourself, most supporters of Ram's act of sending away Sita do indeed claim that it was the right dharma for a king. Nonetheless, it still troubles me.

I too recall that incident in the life of Krishna, where Krishna advised Bhima to strike at the groin, the only area that Ghandhari had not rendered invulnerable with her celestial vision. (Once again, Krishna was involved.) I don't recall the word "penis" being explicitly used.

I also recall when Krishna had Yudisthira, a man of truth, essentially "lie" about Ashwathama (the elephant, not the man) being dead. He thus acted in the best interests of all but he did "bend the rules" a bit there too.

In any case, thanks for your input on Ram. It's still the only incident I can recall with Ram that still troubles me. It seems as if he could have handled it differently (though I don't have any brilliant suggestions in this moment).
IIRC, The word was 'lap' so, whatever part of the male anatomy a 'lap' is, but yeah, anywhere in the vicinity from the navel to the knee without really being specific...I just felt that people were saying 'groin' to be politically correct over saying even any word relating to any form of the male anatomy, so I took a liberty, which I said it was at the time. lol

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