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Old 17-01-2017, 01:38 PM
Baile Baile is offline
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Originally Posted by 7luminaries
It all amounts to the same thing...a universal, primal male need to control the woman
Tell that to my ex. She burned me with a cigarette one time, and set fire to my belongings another, all because I said no when she wanted to hear yes. What's that 1960s cigarette ad campaign? Virginia Slims: You've come a long way Baby!

I'm back because I figured out why I bothered to post yesterday. I read then re-read a good portion of the last few pages. In all my years here, I have to say I have never had the experience I've had, reading this thread. I can't figure it out! My mind registers it as disconnected words and ideas floating about in some far-away nebula. I'd have to travel light years just to make some kind of sense of it.

So I went went back to Ground Zero. Mission Control. Lift Off. I read the first post, to get a sense of what the actual topic is. And oh I see now, someone is proposing a new religion. God and Christ becomes 0 and 1.

This morning I realized that's why I'm drifting in space here. You people are having a 0 and 1 dialogue. I relate to 0 and 1 analytical conceptualizing about as much as I relate to God and Christ. See, some time in the 1980s I had a depth-awareness revelation when introduced to the mystical tradition of the Middle Path.

You've got God and Christ on one side of the human-evolutionary lemniscate (religious belief/emotion). And 0 and 1 on the other end-loop (scientific theory/intellect). The Middle Path requires navigating the wild white-waters of these two belief-extremes. Paddle your kayak gently down the middle of the stream. And if you see churning water to one side or the other, you've fallen asleep and drifted too far.

And I had a revelation last night as well pondering all this; a revelation concerning the unfathomable, unthinkable, immeasurable, inconceivable and impossible reality of miraculous Spirit.

Hey Mr. Quantum Computer geek. Type in some 0s and 1s on your keyboard and conjure me up a GIANT GAS BALL, a million times the size of our planet, that warms air for hundreds of millions of miles, and that creates and sustains that other project I want you to get busy on: creating a conscious human being. And not just one prototype. I want an infinite assortment of sizes, types and levels of consciousness. Oh right, I forgot to mention: I don't want mindless zombies; make them self-aware.

Science can't touch Spirit with a 93 million-mile pole. And if they tried, whatever sorry and pathetic thing our best technology could possibly come up with, would bend and break around 4000 feet or so.
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