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Old 03-03-2011, 11:54 PM
Posts: n/a
seashell reading for Spiritlite 3/3/11

question presented was; What's going on with me energetically? What do I need to do? yes I know I need to find a new job but should it be in nursing? Should I find another avenue IE become a massage therapist, or do reiki, or even do readings.
I just need a general what's going on thing

Please remember no one can tell you what to do. You already know all the answers they are inside of you already.You have free will and you choose what guides you to the next phase of your life, no other can or will do that for you.

I presented the question to the energy of the shells. I closed my yes and hovered over the shells and proceded to choose 8 shells before I no longer felt the need to pull them. I then heard pull four cards so I shuffled and fanned out the shell cards and chose 4 of them.
I already have the meanings of my shells written in a little notebook I made of my shells. I held them and then wrote what they mad me feel as I looked at them . THEN I placed a number inside each shell so I could check the message I felt the first time I held them. The truest message that has not been altered by anyone else touching them. I then combine it all together for the conclusion.
1. need to look closer , don't let the outside fool you , inside is pure goodness, this one will be your rock and your solid foundation.

2. being a perfectionist, self criticle, your own inner judge, your true essence is trapped inside. Never satisfied, having placed to high of an expectation on yourself. You know where to go and then you start climbing up that hill of success and step right into a crevice every time. this impedes your progress. holds you in the same place over and over.

3.seeing the big picture. working for all concerned, but then you turn around and self sabatoge your hard work. this is seen by all the tiny pin pits in this shell.

4. victory after struggling, this shell is full of orange color, points me towards stomach or abdominal issues related to the sacral chakra. Do you need to work on your lower chakras?

5.lot of left over baggage attached to this one. old feelings, old hurts, old angers eating away at this shell. the botom of this shell is eroding about to spill out all the old secrets and old pain. There is a large splat of orange right in center of this shell once again pointing to the sacral chakra again.

6. stand tall, stand proud like the beacon of light you are. spread your wings and your knowledge to others. you have much to give and to share. are you connected to the dragon worlds and the moon energies.

7. your taking on too many projects at one time or dealing with too many emotional issues at one time. it is throwing you off balance. your energy is so scattered that it is not effective anywhere. You need to choose one issue or one problem or topic of study at a time. face it,deal with it, resolve it . Just one ...then move to the next

8. this is one of my favorite shells, It is showing me a beautiful huge heart, Pure white, with a huge pink center , glowing and impressive with it's magnitude. this tells me of the beauty within you. But I see some bledding from an old wound shining through the other side of it . this is from a past life or from your past. I believe this showed itself earlier up didn't it . It may very well be simply emotional chaos within your self. Possible sexual abuse and you have tried to bury it deep by the crevice around the edge with gunk peeking out of it. It keeps surfacing what ever it is and Now you must face it. You need to truly look at it. Deal with it. Forgive whoever or yourself then release it out to the ether, Forgiving yourself and loving yourself is the first step of the rest of your life. It will free you and you will actually feel yourself expand with the light flowing in. Then you will begin to truly heal.


1 get in touch with your inenr child, play more, laugh . stop dwelling on sad things
2. being falsely sweet, having ulterior motives, manipulating others for personal benefit
3. recognizing limitations are ones own making. you beleive your fenced in so you are. self imprisonment
4 acknowledge your strengths not your weaknesses
It appears as we all know you are a beautiful spiritual soul. You carry around a lot of old no longer serving you baggage. Dig deep inside and find your strengths, Your smart and your knowledgble. Connect to that instead of the depression and self loathing. You according to the shells have a solid home foundation. All the issues seem to be within you. Old unresolved issues that are causing Sacral chakra reelated problem to your health. You don't need another job unles you choose to have another one. Your boss only bothers you because you give her that power over you. If you do choose to change jobs the shells do show success and victory. You need to dig deep and find your strengths and play off them for a change instead of all of your weaknesses.
You need to deal with your baggage and your self inflicted problems and fix you. Not anyone else until you fix you. Love yourself, find your inner beauty that others see, and the world will open up for you. You then will see things are never really bad. Focus at one issue at a time. Deal with it , conquor it , so you do not ebcome overwhelmed. You carry this power. It is up to you and you alone how to you choose to use it.

feedback welcomed
this reading is for entertainment purposes only
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