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Old 24-12-2016, 11:53 PM
Starman Starman is offline
Join Date: May 2016
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Originally Posted by Ground
The problem arises when non-dualism is asserted to be 'truth' or 'truer' than dualism because it is not. Non-dualism is just an alternative to dualism, an alternative mode of consciousness. It is uncommon and not useful in certain contexts where dualism is useful. The non-dualistic mode is useful in rest and/or to detach from 'the world around oneself' because it disappears and the 'purity' can experience itself.
The non-dualistic mode is often said to be "truer" because oneness is perceived more readily and many, if not most, feel that oneness is our truest state of being, and it is considered pure because it is viewed as a solitary flow or vibration and not a combination or variation of vibrations.

In this world the primordial vibration manifests in various different ways giving the illusion of duality, and as duality is frequently perceived as an "illusion" some see it as "less true." Although illusion does not mean it is not real, or true, it just means that it is illusive and highly changeable. The actual spiritual foundation of our being is much more steady, stable, an solid, than that which is on the surface.
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