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Old 19-12-2016, 07:45 PM
Clover Clover is offline
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Originally Posted by ErikaLee82
Hey everyone, so I am quit new to my abilities. I don't have really anyone who could understand, But I have been experiencing see loved ones and just random people who are passed away most of them I don't know. Also right before I go to sleep or if I'm very relaxed I see these almost like flashes of things that are happening or peoples faces and I don't really know what it means. Also I get these weird almost instinct feeling because it like I already know before my mind even realizes it that certain things will happen, and I also see auras.
I was wondering if anyone had any tips on how to open myself up and be able to use it, As well as, anyone know what's some of this stuff is and if there are any cool things that I could do.

Hi Erica,

Welcome to the forum, happy to have you on board. Very common, I think many are just more attuned to their surroundings or deeply empath. Also, many individuals will goes through growth periods, or "spiritual awakenings' and start having all sorts of peculiar super natural type experiences, many times, awareness is simply just expanding.

Spirituality has a wide spectrum of areas you can explore;, from Divinity to metaphysics, I personally would start with subjects on metaphysics. Know you aren't alone, my greatest lesson was to not resist what I was feeling. Face it head on without fear or judgement, it also helps to surround yourself with people you can identify with.
Hopefully, others can chime in on their experiences.
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