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Old 19-12-2016, 05:23 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by WuWei
The dog's consciousness reflects the dog's behaviour, and they both are synchonious to it's physical form. For instance, the Dog will bark - even if it only ever knew other humans - it thinks in it's own experiences, for instance it's world is more scent based, it's vision of people is smells and body language/facial expressions. For instance, if you bare your teeth at a dog, dogs become aggitated. If you bark at a dog, they experience it through their own language. Dog experts will tell you that dogs find it much easier to recognize 'vowel' sounds and that if you talk to a dog that is essentially what they pick out and hear, and memorise because dogs speak in vowels. ouuuuu, and woogh, etc.

Dogs are social animals much like humans, they have the brain to compromise enemy/friend. Their survival mechanics fit directly into their experience of existence, as do ours. A dog never feels like a person, because the dog can only feel like a dog. Dogs are sentient, that's pretty well known and there is a cause for them to be sentient and aware. Because like us, they are social animals - bred from pack animals. Their physical form isn't separate from this reality.

Ever since time immemorial, humans have been projecting human traits upon animals to try and understand them. I became aware of it just recently when I did it myself unknowingly and my brain kinda 'took over'.

To a dog, there is no 'enemy' or 'friend'. There is 'you are welcome in my territory' or 'you ain't welcome' and a female on heat will definitely score the former, while a rival male will have to fight the 'Alpha Male' for dominance of the 'doggy clan'.

It's like animals everywhere - they have their own groups, there own little cliques and they are very wary of intruders coming in and adding their own little bit of 'genetic diversity' into the mix. It's why a lot of species died out - they inbred themselves to death.

Anyway, dogs are wild animals and the only reason why they are 'nice' to humans is because they are mooching off us. We give them a 'free ride' so they don't have to waste their energy going out and hunting a meal down. The sooner human beings 'get it' the better. lol
I am the creator of my own reality, so please don't get offended if I refuse to allow you to be the creator of it instead of focusing on creating your own. Thanks.
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