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Old 03-12-2016, 06:50 PM
organic born organic born is offline
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Originally Posted by neil
""SNAP""☆☆☆☆☆☆☆gold stars....4 anyone who is of this understanding. telling you,,,,,,I am aware of some things......"QUITE A FEW SOMETHINGS" infact, that when you become aware of does just BLOW the lid off of all eastern, western, northern, & southern spiritual & or religious beliefs...... & I DO NOT MIND IF I COP A ROASTING FOR MY WORDS......INFACT GO RIGHT AHEAD & ROAST ME IF YOU WISH.....
BUT PLEASE do not forget to baste me....smiles.

If I cooked you in a bag then you'd be self basting, this'd save me a lot of work! :)

Thank you for your supporting comments! .. but I'm not at all aboard with some of your base conclusions.

After many of my earlier experiences I was left wondering about the wisdom of continuing on this planet. I'm glad that my survival instincts helped get me past that. The problem I faced was that in knowing, what I now knew, I was suddenly speaking from a different place than everyone else around me were. Most were deriving their observations off of the surface impressions that swirled culturally around them. They view themselves based on what they were told they should be. They were dreaming without any real depth.

But at no time have I ever encountered this dark energy thing as a controlling force to be reckoned with, as you're speaking of. Maybe I entered this lifetime with a fairly good shield against such things or perhaps they're lower energy influences that appear to those who stray too close to them, but in all of my experiences I've yet to contend with anything physical that's not currently explainable via cultural conditioning and biological imperatives.

And don't worry, I'm not trying to save you. :) Life is a short term exposure anyway so why assume that dying at one point would be all that different than dying at another.

What I do want to do is explore your investment in this view of things. I agree with the idealism behind what you feel that we could be as a species, but I retreat from the idea that lower vibrational negative energies would have that level of sway over things. We are derived from a very clean place, if we're assuming that god created us in her/his image and likeness. So there must be something else at play other than just a bunch of energetic misfits calling all the shots?

My experiences all point toward light, toward an amalgamation of energies that collude to create a state of being that we then slip into as physical participants. Pretty powerful stuff when you think about it. I do feel that we are strongly swayed by belief in terms of the manor in which we interpret our involvement within each particular lifetime. And this is understandable. We're thinking individuals without much to go on, so we're left guessing a lot. And when we do get a view of what's going on outside of this current orientation we're left returning with such and then trying to get them to fit-in with what we're currently believing at the time.

Religion raises us on the idea of saten, evil influences, original sin, temptation.. so it's then easy to take such beliefs and overlay them onto our experiences should the experience incorporate circumstances where such things seem applicable. It's also very religious to deny our experience on earth in favor of some other agenda of a contrived set of assumptions.

I will readily acknowledge our experience here as an illusion of epic proportions, but that doesn't then default into "it's all bad stuff because of it." I personally am fascinated by the process that creates such a thing, I'm not about to spoil that by saying things like we're helplessly being victimized by a bunch of nasties.

Originally Posted by neil
When you are aware of what the dark ones can do, you then see it for exactly what it is & how it is happening.
I would recommend that you revisit this perspective and see if it isn't open to redefining? That to some degree such a thing is possible, at some level, but that it's not the defining factor in the formation of reality or the core component in how our experience is definable.

I'm just not seeing what you're seeing, and I'm one of those who has seen a lot.
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