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Old 03-12-2016, 11:01 AM
neil neil is offline
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Originally Posted by organic born
Yes, exactly, our personalized identity, our general expectations regarding day to day events, the sex we were born into, the culture we were raised in, all these would not be present in an individualize way before conception.

The influences do begin while the child is forming within the mother. Her diet, stress levels and hormonal influences would all play some part in shaping the developing child.
The real work in setting the personality of the infant takes place in the first couple of years after birth. We are then starting to shape the texture of a lifetime based on the influences of others along the way, and the organic influences that comes with being a biological entity.

Thus 'personality'.. and in a resulting form that would not have existed pre-birth.

""SNAP""☆☆☆☆☆☆☆gold stars....4 anyone who is of this understanding. telling you,,,,,,I am aware of some things......"QUITE A FEW SOMETHINGS" infact, that when you become aware of does just BLOW the lid off of all eastern, western, northern, & southern spiritual & or religious beliefs...... & I DO NOT MIND IF I COP A ROASTING FOR MY WORDS......INFACT GO RIGHT AHEAD & ROAST ME IF YOU WISH.....
BUT PLEASE do not forget to baste me....smiles.

It changes everything in your minds regarding us & what everyone calls the afterlife......reincarnation, & yes even the concept of karma.

U know on this forum there was a member, whos nephew discovered something about spirituality, that made him race over to his uncle Pete C from the uk 's place.
Pete explained, on this forum, that his nephew acted differently than the norm for him, & that the nephew had figured something out about all things spiritual. & then the nephew went directly home & hung himself....& from what I gather from the whole uncle & nephew saga is that the nephew would not elaborate on what he had become aware of.

& this non elaborating attitude is exactly the way I am with what I have become aware of.

Because you see dark spiritual beings have been keeping this info very quite for what I believe would be since Adam was a boy....."LITERALLY"

& because it is something that, once you have become aware of it, well then that is when the dark ones will make your life hell, using what you are then aware of, AGAINST you, to control you, & to further & enrich their "ILL GOTTEN GAIN"

As they are constantly doing to myself. Because of what I have become aware of, & now my life has become unbearable, Physically to a point of wanting to leavevearth as well, but I can not, as I have responsibilities regarding my parents.

&, so now is a good time to mention that this post is not a cry out for help....but is infact an ongoing discussion with a few other forum members. So please do not try to be of an assistance to me, like others have tried to be & failed...Ta.

You see in MOP these goings on have been happening since the first pardnts were around& is the reason for their fall from being perfect beings with wondrous abilities of the soul....Which we do not display, but should.

We do not choose our parents & they do not choose us....but they do choose to create us.

Be4 conception we do not have an identity or intelligence, so their are no soul contracts. & no pre organized lessons to be learnt. & definitely no REincarnations.

Life is so simple to understand & to live, but dark beings are doing their utmost to steer us away from our inherent natural loving design...& of course away from creators way of a life full of sex drugs & violence, if it so pleases them.

But some large percentage of us do our best to overcome what we believe are thoughts that are originating from within us...instead of originating from within the dark ones who so constantly surround us & who endeavor to turn our thoughts away from creator & creator's way of love...believe it or not, you may.

& yes the influences do start when the child is still in gestation. .....but they are influences & attack on mother & unborn child in a most horrendous way that can lead to prenatal death of either mother or child, in so many different ways..& I HAVE witnessed a number of these such attacks.

When you are aware of what the dark ones can do, you then see it for exactly what it is & how it is happening.

& the above isn't anywhere near the tip of the ICEBERG.

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