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Old 22-11-2016, 06:58 AM
hallow hallow is offline
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Originally Posted by Rozie
Sometimes you are guided away from subjects that are not for you to study. This is because you have to learn for yourself and not be influenced by the teachings of others..Once you have learned your lessons, then you can read about the topic and integrate it with your own knowledge. You can compare, and contrast.

It is common to have puzzle pieces that need to be assembled. When the time is right, things will come together.

If you have a calling, you will know. You are to follow your own calling. It may lead you to a well worn path, or one that you forge yourself. Learn from all sources, but trust your inner knowledge above all else. That is your guidance.

I think you nailed it, it feels odd drifting in a since. In the physical world i am stable had the same job for years and have a good marriage. I hurd a guy say on a tv a few years ago. "Let your feet guide you" i hear so many people say the something happens in there life. I am sure its true. My life is filled with bits that slowly come together. Like that quote i mentioned just a little drop in bucket.
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