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Old 12-11-2016, 04:11 PM
acorn acorn is offline
Join Date: Apr 2014
Posts: 173
Exclamation The most misunderstood quote

I was born into a roman catholic household....I never felt that the church really tried to teach in a way that the common man may try to comprehend it.
when I was young the Mass was in latin......a dead language for the most part..
what purpose did that serve? not "education" one of the main purposes of gathering together?...was I to learn latin to understand the rituals involved, to actually hear the words spoken in the language of the times?

They lost me at 8 years old....even still...through Grace ...I do have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus...despite the church and it's inability to relate to me, and others like me.
In my own pursuit of God I have come to worship many whom others called God by a different name...put before me ANY of the various names of God and I will worship them.....providing that, Love and tolerance are chief among it's tenets.
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"I am the only way...none can get to the father except through me"

( if not the exact quote know what I mean)

Most Christians hang their hat on this one ....I've heard this hundreds of times
I've yet to meet one who truly understood what that really means

Do you think that Jesus said these words as the personality of Jesus...the son of the carpenter?....he did not

That utterance of Jesus was made from the standpoint of universal consciousness

The ONLY way is contact with the universal self...not the individual self..and that was what Jesus was expounding on...
Again another paraphrase by Jesus...

if you believe on me...than I will take you to myself......

(don't get hung up on the words ....grasp the gist)

this must be contemplated imbibe it

Take no offense here.....none is intended...I will not argue..believe what you will

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