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Old 27-02-2011, 11:16 AM
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Originally Posted by Cletus VanDamme
This may sound like a stupid question, but could somebody post a definition of Lightworker?.

This is a very good question.

LWs are those who are working on their energies/spirituality, expanding it. It isn’t necessary to be a healer or channeler, but just to be opening up to being aware & working on things such as moving past fear & limitations.

There are many good people who have never heard the term LWs who are decent people who treat others w/ loving respect. They are LWs. There are also LWs who may consider their self to be a LW, but who really aren’t, using the term LWs to place inappropriate boundaries between them & what they perceive to be the unenlightened. They fancy themselves to be spiritually superior to others. Considering one's self to be spirtually advanced is not being an authentic LW. Those who are authentic LWs realize that we are all on the same journey a precious few steps apart! More on the process of being a LW below.


We all go through stages from being awakened newbies, to lightworkers & wayshowers.

When we first begin exploring new information about spirituality we encounter abundant & often conflicting information. This is often intertwined w/ all types of related material, much of which we later realize is very flawed. We wonder if we will ever sort it out & aren't sure just how to go about this. We will.

In the first stage of awakening we learn new concepts about the universe, energy, & spirituality. We feel we are in possession of awareness that others don’t have. We may view others who don’t know about these issues as lesser & repellant. The distance between us & those of lower frequency manifests in our consciousness as a duality based spiritual caste system of the aware & the non-aware. IF we continue to advance we soon realize we have allot to learn about genuine enlightenment. We begin to appreciate that "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience." - Teilhard de Chardin- French philosopher.

We continue to learn & begin sort out information. We increasingly view self w/ respect, patience, compassion, & love & start to master our energies & hone our discernment. We begin to TRUST our earthly energies. We begin to be lightworkers, expanding our consciousness by doing our personal internal work such as taking responsibility for our thoughts & emotions, identifying our limitations & working on these, realizing that the reasons we use for not advancing are excuses (This can be a hard one!), releasing limitations, ditching disempowering thoughts & emotions supplanting them w/ positive empowering ones, learning & merging w/ 5D concepts, & expanding empathy & awareness of other dimensions. This is real learning, like anything else, not just thinking it is a desirable idea. Each time we move past fear & limiting ideas we illuminate one more portion of the universe.
Every increase in our personal frequency raises the collective energy level. 

We move past the fact that we are a few steps ahead of others when we appreciate that how we have looked so disdainfully at others of lower frequency would be amplified many, many times over with how those who are MANY steps ahead of us would look at us if this view were correct. We quickly adjust our perspective w/ this realization begining to move into alignment w/ others. We are beginning to experience Oneness. As empathy is further engaged we realize we are all equally valid, are on the same journey, & are just at slightly different places of it, a precious few steps apart. We no longer feel the same distance between our self & those of lower frequencies. Beginning to connect w/ others is the start of our uniting w/ the Universe.

We realize that duality patterns limit our progress. We achieve balance. We realize that we have an extended energy field. From balance we further expand to progressively unify all portions of our energies to work together harmoniously. The unification of our energy fields continues through many dimensions, as we become more complete beings. WHOLE. We connect more w/ higher self & increasingly TRUST HS’ truth-testing, guidance, & wisdom & begin regularly communicating w/ HS. As self & HS begin to unify, the BEing of the authentic self connection expands to the KNOWing of HS. We actively align our energies to be in sync w/ higher dimensional awareness.

As we become comfortable & familiar w/ our increased frequency & begin to master our energies & how we allow the energy environment (external energies) to interact w/ our personal energy field, our boundaries are strengthened as we realize we are sovereign energy beings w/ dormant, but innate abilities we’re beginning to access. Energy management techniques such as distanced observer, discernment, & clearing unwanted energies from our energy field increasingly become second nature as we gain master how we CHOOSE our thoughts & emotions & allow external energies to interact w/ us. We move from merely expanding our own awareness to filling valuable LW functions (there are many) such as actively anchoring the incoming energy as individual portals & being willing energetic conduits to transmit this energy to others. *We may become aware that we may have a specific energetic mission.

As we more fully integrate 5D concepts & strengthen the HS connection, we realize we are connected to a limitless supply of abundant Universal light/energy. We gain the wisdom to KNOW there is more than enough light & want to generously share this w/ others as we expand to being wayshowers. The artificial duality boundaries we previously established to separate us from those of lower frequencies dissolve, becoming irrelevant as we now want to guide others to be able to align their energies so they can access the peace, joy, & wisdom we’ve found. We are becoming wayshowers.

It is unethical for LWs & wayshowers to send energy to individuals w/o their permission. This may seem counterintuitive, but love-bombing or sending unasked for healing energy can be disruptive to another’s personal energetic development. If this hasn't been OKed by them energy should be sent to their HS to be used as is appropriate. As others see how radiant, serene, & confident we are they will naturally be drawn to us & want to know how we’ve achieved such contentment. They will want to share our energy. When we are healthy energetically & connected w/ HS, the LW message flows naturally.

As increasing numbers are awakening, wayshower assistance is very needed. Some of the most valuable wayshower work will be in providing basic LW concepts to those around us who’ve not yet begun to awaken or are beginning to awaken. *Once we are awakening needed information is abundantly available on sites such as this. For those who’ve not yet taken this first step, carefully & lovingly placed lightworker gateway concepts such as we are all in this together, fear & doubt never help us think clearly, “We have nothing to fear but fear itself.” (U.S. President FDR) & the Golden Rule concepts can be valuable gateways to understanding more expansive LW concepts. 

Ethically, wayshowers MUST respect other’s beliefs. Being pushy isn’t OK, even if we know others could greatly benefit from this information. When presenting new information it is necessary for wayshowers to assess both the comfort level & knowledge level of the other person. While some thrive on huge amounts of new information, others are uneasy w/ unfamiliar concepts & need to be given smaller tidbits. It isn't productive to give others so much information they react fearfully or become less receptive to LW concepts.

The lightworker message can be spread in countless ways other than sharing information. *We can BE these concepts in action w/ simple individual acts of extreme kindness & civility to countless philanthropic activities. Actively making changes in the way our institutions (private & governmental) operate is another vital wayshower function. Insist on the change you desire w/ governments & businesses. LWs are entering new pro-active roles w/ the new Aquarian energies & becoming much more visible. We ARE the change we have been wishing & waiting for.

In this process of energetic development, don’t feel rushed. While skipping over needed steps may be tempting, it hampers real progress. It is much more important to learn things thoroughly than in a rushed manner. We must first successfully align our own energies, so giving our self the needed time & TLC to complete the learning we need to raise our frequency & establish our sovereignty is vital. *We accomplish MUCH more by gently aligning our energies w/ higher dimensional awareness than trying to push it too hard. Once we have accomplished these personal achievements, we can begin to be of real use to others. *

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it's the only thing that ever has.” *Anthropologist Margaret Mead

Enjoy the journey for it is a journey of JOY.

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