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Old 04-10-2016, 01:17 PM
faithy faithy is offline
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Originally posted by Pisces_Moon

[quote] LEO
Divine guidance - 44 Belonging
Look around at who you are surrounding yourself with, this week. Are you with people who share your ideas, your dreams, your goals? If they do not, it may ge time to find those who do and accept your place with your tribe.

Main theme - XIII Death
Moving forward through change may be painful but it is necessary this week. In order to become another aspect of yourself, you need to let go of what is no longer viable.

Assisting energy - III Empress.
The readiness to grow from new endeavours, beliefs or pursuits. The changes you may face this week bode well if you are prepared to embrace them and nurture them.

Thwarting energy - 3 of Cups
Examining just what your connection to others in life bring to you. Is it because you have been through so much with them or that they bring joy to your life. Don't keep those connections that no longer serve. [quote]

Hi Pisces_Moon :) this was very good, all of it resonated with me, especially the part where change is concerned, defiantly going through a spiritual growth and change is difficult, thank you Pisces_Moon this was really awesome :)
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