Thread: Black Magic
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Old 25-11-2006, 02:35 AM
Ascended Master
Posts: n/a
Cweiters my friend.
Sorry about the delay...

The cold can quite often be a negative 'spirit', and if it is, then you will also feel a tingling sensation when it is in your 'space'. This is especially the case if you are being targeted too. They do try and jump into you and they are doing this for a reason. But it is wise to laugh and know they can't do anything when your vibration is high.
They want your vibration to be low, which doesn't seem to be working!
Well done...

Just remember that they can't touch your spirit, so if you can connect your physical element to your spirit element, they can't touch your body either!
They will pass your space, and pass straight back out again with a scorched rear end!

In spirit mode though you would become a naturally charged forcefield of something they really can't touch.

I'm having to climb the growth ladder in order to make every part of my being (on every astral level) climb into the 'no negativity' zone.
ie, to live and breathe my own spirit.

It's hard, and I am fully with you on that.
But even if you climb a little you more than appreciate the benefits.

Free yourself from negative situations and you will climb naturally.
Also think over past issues and release them... sometimes they lie dormant, and these 'spirits' use them to locate you. As the energies of them exist in their plane?

Keep going, you are doing amazingly well. And stay in touch via PM if you can.

With everything I have,