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Old 16-09-2016, 04:04 AM
AnotherBob AnotherBob is offline
Join Date: Oct 2014
Posts: 279
Originally Posted by Michelle11
...t I suspect if we were really meant to know we would know so the veil is for a purpose or it wouldn't be there. Though some have said the path is one back to knowing. So maybe a bit of both.

If we knew the whole plot ahead of time, it would kind of spoil the visceral impact of the adventure. Indeed, we came here to experience not knowing for a change, to face the "unknown", to experience the surprises of life. In the Spirit World we have access to Universal Knowledge, but so many want to adventure in realms like these, just like those who want to challenge themselves, like mountain climbing, where they don't already know how it is going to turn out. Imagine how dull it would get, knowing what's going to happen, knowing all the answers in advance. We certainly would not have the growth opportunity that not knowing provides, nor would we get to see how we would react in situations of uncertainty. What kind of a test would it be for ourselves if we knew the answers in advance?
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