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Old 23-11-2006, 09:41 AM
Posts: n/a
Thanks for the link Mother Goose.

Goldchord thanks for that. I know what you mean about wanting to take it back. The moment I finished typing, I thought, I must be nuts, I take it back, I take it back! Took some deep breaths and today, I met the type of guy I am looking for, only he is hitched. But it was good to meet him because he became a sort of vision of what it is I am looking for and hopefully my future. He wasn't some gorgeious guy, ordinary looking, but he has a heart of gold. Gentle, softly spoken, thoughtful, highly intelligent, quietly confident, successful (he is into personal growth, psychology, spirituality, etc) and happy.

It also brought into focus where I have to improve my life. Successful people like him, attract and are attracted to successful people. I don't mean rich by successful, I mean someone who is happy with their lives, love what they do, have balance and harmony in their lives - thats success. I am pretty good in some areas of my life, but really suck in others, must definately work on those. Back to they gym tomorrow.

You know, this could turn out to be a Monkey Jones' Diary!