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Old 08-09-2016, 01:58 AM
Tobi Tobi is offline
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Originally Posted by mogenblue
I disagree with that. My vegan diet is cheaper then a regular diet that includes animal food.

I find that too, mogenblue.
If I shop carefully, even in a mainstream store I can find basics for a healthy vegan diet at very low cost. And any additional supplements needed, can be found at competitive prices usually online.
As an example, I once worked out the cost of what appeared to be an expensive Omega 3 vegan supplement. But I found a deal where I got 3 for the price of 2 online, and free shipping. When I worked it out, penny for penny and week by week, it was no more cost than the 3 cans of fish I bought per week pre-vegan!

I mean....carrots 45p for quite a large bag. OK not organic, but they will do. Cabbage 69p....broccoli 49p....celery 49p... Potatoes....£1 a bag....cashew nuts 75p a bag! ...peanuts £1 a large bag.....etc etc
That's just a quick example. It doesn't cost much for vegan food if you are canny.
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