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Old 07-09-2016, 04:01 PM
Esmatt Esmatt is offline
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Join Date: Jul 2016
Posts: 5
How do I change my feelings? (law of attraction)

I have been a spiritualist for a long time and last year I began using the law of attraction. For every single day for a year now I have wanted to get a girlfriend and tried to get one using the law of attraction. In the beginning I was really happy and believing, but as time went on I wondered why nothing happened. I have been feeling frustrated for a long time now. I have a list of reasons I suspect why I have failed thus far.
-Uncertain as to whether I should wait and feel good or take action
-Trying too hard being in a good mood 24/7 and gets dissappointed when I get too tired to be in a good mood.
-Doubt if Im doing it right
-I feel lack and I dont know how to stop.

After all this time I seriously doubt Im capable anylonger of trying to accomplish anything using the law of attraction. I know what Im doing wrong right now, but I dont know how to change it. How do I stop feeling lonely, how do I stop feeling insecure, how can I stop feeling lack, how can I feel happy despite my situation? I seriously dont know how and I hope anyone here can give me some advice on this thank you
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