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Old 06-09-2016, 05:47 PM
SerpentSun SerpentSun is offline
Join Date: Aug 2016
Location: Ozarks/Shawnee Hills, United States
Posts: 425
Ha yeah I don't take the word of places like NIH and Psych Forums.

And I never said hunting and gathering could feed more humans, I said it'd feed a healthy human population in a healthy ecosystem. Earth doesn't need billions of us.

I get that neither foraging nor the livestock industry can support the human appetite. But the pesticides, deforestation, genetic modification, and monocropping of agriculture can't support Earth. And a virus can't survive without a host.

If you genuinely feel healthy eating vegan, more power to ya. No one needs to justify not putting something in their own body. I lie and say I have a chitin intolerance to get out of eating arthropods, fish, and reptiles. But just know that until there are simply less humans, no diet is cruelty-free. So I eat what makes me strong for when Nature knocks us back to the Stone Age.
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