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Old 06-09-2016, 05:28 PM
tealily tealily is offline
Join Date: Dec 2012
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Originally Posted by Pisces_Moon
Divine guidance - Heal the Ouch
This week sees a period of healing for you, whether it be damaged relationships or healing of the mind, body and spirit. Work on making those wounds better, it may sting a little at first, but it will heal.

Main theme this week
- 0 The Fool
A time for starting over with no preconceived ideas or prejudices, take that leap and see where you land an what you can learn.

Assisting you - Herald of Swords
The urge to find answers, to find truth. A conscious decision to be open minded on what you may discover.

Thwarting you - XV Devil
Don't allow what is hurting to become destructive, its easy to think we are our story, but we aren't, we are so much more. Break away from those thoughts of all the negative possibilities, they are only an illusion to keep you tied to 'your story'.
I'll keep an eye out! :)

I'm definitely feeling the frustration --> destruction tonight, it's been a while since I've been so angry that I can't sleep (stupid and madly ineffective group meetings do that to me)
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