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Old 02-09-2016, 02:16 AM
Dx121 Dx121 is offline
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First up, hello to you as well, BarbaraT.

Secondly, about the best thing to do when working with a stone or crystal is take some time out. Sit down with the crystal in a calm, quiet place where you have the spare time.
Allow your thoughts to quiet, your mind to calm down. Gently push away any thoughts that aren't concerned with this off to the side. (My mind usually tends to go 'hm, this snack food sounds good to eat. Where is my cat? Should I go look for him? Did I get a new e-mail? I wonder if the laundry needs to get done tonight or tomorrow morning...' etc. I have to catch myself with those and gently push them off to the side. Quiet them and allow my mind to just go quiet, to be open.)
Then focus on the crystal in your hands. Only on the crystal. Ask it directly, how can you access the information it holds? The answer normally comes immediately, whether in the form of a feeling (such as holding it close to your forhead, holding it with only one hand, etc.), an image in your mind that's suddenly just "there", or whatever.
For some people, this comes very easily (I know it did with me when I was first starting out), while for others, it can take time and practice with them learning how to quiet down, open their mind to really "listen" to the crystal in their hands, then to pay attention to what it tells them. Many times the first two steps are easily enough, but the third one can be a challenge. They'll question it or doubt it or go 'nah. can't be. I just imagined that'.

Our stone and crystal companions *do* tell you what they want for those willing and patient enough to truly listen.

Also, don't be surprised if you do the above and you get the feeling of, instead of telling you how to access the information, that you get a feeling or emotion or mental image of something else entirely. Like the feeling of cool soil, warm sunlight, running water, salt in a bowl, etc. Never underestimate the power of giving your stones and crystals valuable grounding and cleansing time. Otherwise it's like trying to drink clean water from a dirty glass. the water won't be at it's best.
So to with most stones and crystals. Don't give them a good cleanse and grounding to get rid of those energies they've picked up from other people, or even the enviroment before you start working with it, then you're trying to work with all that unpleasant spiritual / energy gunk alongside you trying to access the information.

Best of luck <3
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