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Old 30-08-2016, 07:14 PM
bethshea bethshea is offline
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Posts: 6
Strange child ghost.

I have seen more than one spirit, ghost, entity, whatever you want to call them. I have studied schizophrenia and taken classes on psychology. I do not believe I am mentally ill in ways like that and have actually had tests done and scans on my brain because of headaches, etc. Everything is normal. I have also studied a little on different explanations of what they could be. The main thing that worries me most is a lot of people do not believe human spirits get stuck on this planet once they die. They believe that the spirits that are here and that we see are demonic or unpure spirits that have been here pretty much forever. Or they believe they began as human spirits and then became too attached to the materialistic world or they did things while they were here that caused their spirits to become unclean. I am currently reading the Bible, but I havent gotten too far. I have studied certain scriptures and such though and have read more on the books that were taken out of the mainstream Bible. (The Book of Enoch, The Apocrypha, Sea Scrolls, etc.) And most Christian scholars say that you are not to communicate with spirits because they are all evil, etc and let you see them to sway your faith in God and direct you more towards evil ways of thinking, black magic type stuff, possession, and so on. So I want your thoughts on what exactly I have seen and what you think about this. I saw my grandfather when he passed due to cancer. I would say I was probably somewhere between 10-12. I saw a chubby man sitting at an old desk my great grandmother bought me from and old antique store and typing on a type writer ( he wasnt colored like most others I have seen, he was more like static on a tv so maybe I was half asleep? as I have weird dreams and such, but I dont think I was asleep at all). I was younger when I saw him. And a few more.

There is one main thing I saw when I was in my upper teens though that really confuses me. It was a small child. He was wearing old dirty overalls with no shirt and his hair was blonde and messy. When he appeared near me I was laying in bed and had been feeling like someone was watching me for quite a while. I had gotten so creeped out by the feeling that I turned my tv on and was watching it. He showed up behind me (I was on my side) and I never really turned to look at him directly I just knew what he looked like in my mind or something Im not even sure. But he shook his head supernaturally fast and had his hands on either side like his head was hurting. He spoke in the weirdest tone that I cant even describe and made me feel this deep down coldness and despair. Like indescribably deep darkness and despair. The only words he said were "problems, problems, problems." I was frozen in fear. He was gone pretty quick though like just as quickly as he appeared. It turns out a man had killed himself in our living room. But it wasnt a man that I saw. It was a small child...and this bothers me still to this day.

Children are small and innocent. (although child killers seem to prove otherwise) so why on Earth would a child soul be stuck here?? Or could it have been the man who killed himself just in his child form? Or if most ghosts are simply demonic entities could it have been a demon just enjoying messing with my head as it obviously has? Could all the ghosts I have seen be the same entity or demon just following me around messing with me whenever it has enough energy to do so and how would I make him go away because it wouldnt be possession if he was just following me around lol I think I just think too much....sorry for typing so much and thanks for reading it if you did...<3
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