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Old 24-08-2016, 12:41 AM
Somnia Somnia is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: East Texas
Posts: 1,375
Personally, I'm leaning heavily towards either cremation or some kind of inexpensive "Green" burial where my body can decompose as naturally as possible without the use of embalming and an expensive casket...

Ideally, I'd want my burial or cremation to be as cheap as possible...I have no desire to invest in $7,000+ in a traditional funeral service...I'd much rather return to the Earth as naturally as possible, or if I choose cremation have my ashes scattered or planted, and use the money saved towards something I can actually enjoy while I'm still alive...



Also, I agree with the points all the others made in this thread...Once your physical body dies, the spirit/soul would not need ties to the physical body anymore, so I don't see any logical reason why cremation would prevent one's soul from crossing over...So spiritually, I don't believe it's a bad idea for one to consider cremation...There are also a lot of financial and environmental benefits to cremation and/or "Green" burials in comparison to a traditional funeral service which would be worth investigating...

Last edited by Somnia : 24-08-2016 at 01:58 AM.
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