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Old 13-08-2016, 07:01 PM
jro5139 jro5139 is offline
Join Date: Jul 2016
Location: USA
Posts: 987
I tried the no contact thing and tried to move on but it never changed my feelings so now I am trying to be friends and that's hard because I want to talk to him all the time and it's just not possible right now. I am trying to have no expectations and be happy I have a friend in my life that I plan to keep. It has been a struggle to accept it for what it is but I finally came to the realization that I can be happy in my life with things the way they are. I just had to change my perceptions of everything. Instead of trying to change things externally, I am trying to change internally, as in my perceptions instead of the thing itself. I am trying to stop looking at things from a perspective of victimhood and instead accept how I am creating it. This involves changing how I talk to take control, as in not saying things like "I have to" and replacing it with saying, "I am choosing to" in this situation. It pulls your mentality out of feeling like things are happening out of your control and taking your control back. I cannot control that he is denying his feelings, but I can control my perspective from feeling devastated to being grateful I have a soul connection that I have found. This perspective has helped me deal with things not as I want them to be.

I get signs too all the time, I was doing a meditation and it ended and the next one that came on was a calling to your soulmate, I just went with it and in it, it was said to ask to see your soulmate and of course, I see his face which I pushed away. The signs, I believe, are to indicate that the purpose of the relationship has not been all the way fulfilled yet. Meaning, there are still reasons that the two people have not parted ways yet or are still drawn to each other.
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