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Old 11-08-2016, 10:08 AM
jim78 jim78 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 194
But I'm not indecisive about what needs doing Ahiyah and I didnt choose death. Death comes to us all. God was the one that brought death into the equation. He chose it for me. He simply left the choice up to me as to whether to do His will or not, but if your not doing Gods will whose will are you doing? Death for me means life for everyone else. I wouldnt call that lacking in spiritual growth, its simply the conclusion of my journey in this life. There is a continuity beyond this persona that is Jim and it is just a persona. Just because I chose to do Gods will that doesnt mean that I cant chose life in the meantime. I'm still learning and the lessons God has laid out for my soul makes logical sense given all my past lives. They are lessons I need to learn if I'm to evolve as a spirit. Every souls journey is different and the lessons we learn are tailored to suit each individual. Mine can be no more or less a spiritual journey than anyone elses.
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