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Old 05-08-2016, 09:05 AM
Hexagon222 Hexagon222 is offline
Join Date: Apr 2016
Posts: 109
Originally Posted by jro5139
I find this whole thing fascinating! I have always had that intuition thing where I'll know the phone is going to ring and I'll know who is it going to be a minute or 2 before it rings. Or I'll think about someone randomly that I have not seen or thought about in months, they will just pop into my head and a day or 2 later I'll run into them. Or I'll think about something or say something and then I'll hear the same phrase repeated on the tv or radio. I have had gut feelings sometimes also that something will happen and then it does. I have never known how to control it though or use it to my advantage, I would like to learn more about this

I find it all fascinating as well! Once you prove it to yourself beyond a doubt then a whole new world opens up to you. I can relate to every example you've given. I've had those same exact experiences too. You are already there! You can see the connection between your thoughts and it showing up in your world. You just have to keep pushing the envelope.

So you already know if you think of someone they will call eventually. And you know that if you think or say something you will hear the phrase repeated. Now combine the two, think about someone specific calling you and repeating a specific phrase. And know it with that same gut feeling you have when you know something will happen and it does. You don't force it you just know it, feel it. Experiment and have fun with it.
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