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Old 04-08-2016, 12:15 PM
jim78 jim78 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 194
Thats cool.

There may be only one world but then why do we transition to the next world if theres only one world. Saying we can manifest things in our lives is all good and well but by your thinking a murder victim manifests being murdered or a child manifests being abused. There are some things in this world that are out of our control...thats just the way this world is. Theres good and bad in it. I do try to aim for the highest moral plateuau in this life, although I fail and stumble at times. Thats what being human is. Thats why we have the human learn and grow. That doesnt mean that I dont try though.

I see these wars because they happened and I was shown them. No great mystery there. I'm at war with myself BECAUSE I saw them. I didnt manifest them. Their just memories. I didnt give myself the task but I did challenge God to test me. I assume He's doing it out of love. I just have to take a leap of faith I guess.
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