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Old 31-07-2016, 05:44 PM
jim78 jim78 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 194
Thanks CrystalKitty. You see, my problem is that I've had very traumatic, wartorn lives and like anyone with such experiences the understanding and support of others is paramount in learning how to live with ones experiences.

Its only two years since my experiences with reincarnation and as I said, I need feedback to come to terms with and understand my experiences, instead I get incredulity.

I never felt a connection to any particular person, place or thing myself. I'm confrontational which is how I discovered some of my past lives. Now its not so much a connection I feel to those lives but more of a continuation of my souls journey. I remember some of that stuff....its all me whether I like it or not.

Have you ever looked into your past lives?
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