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Old 25-06-2016, 08:36 PM
straygod straygod is offline
Join Date: Jun 2016
Posts: 43
They all impact on one another; if any part is out of balance then the system is out of balance. That goes for all aspects of your life - diet and lifestyle and spirituality and physical health and socialisation; you need a holistic approach to address mental health issues. I'm a recovering addict, and it's emphasised in rehabilitation that you always need to maintain a healthy balance in all of these areas in order to remain sober. This applies to your spiritual body. Your chakras can be over or under-active, which can be influenced by your environment, which creates a cycle of behaviour and energy and keeps you stuck in patterns, much like an addiction. Blockages occur when you become locked into these patterns and can be created by past traumas.

With so little information it's next to impossible to tell you which area if any you need to work on. Depression and anxiety can stem from so many issues.
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