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Old 11-06-2016, 09:30 PM
Uma Uma is offline
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Fish Spiritual vs. religious

Continuing with Day 22 (2015)...into the opening of Day 23

"We’ve been dealing with the lower area and it is the most difficult one to manage because it’s the gross aspect of being and it has the quality of fight and flight and freeze and the urge to reproduce and the urge to take care, and [relates to the] reptilian and limbic [brain]. It’s extremely important to handle that in a meaningful way. We need to survive, we need to reproduce but it has to be done in a manageable way, in a way that doesn’t create conflict, stress, chaos, exploitation, manipulation. It’s a heavy seat of the ego in terms of aggression, dominance. That’s why like I said before laws are required until the governance is happening from the upper space," ~ Sri Vasudeva
The body identified soul is the trouble maker. That's what creates ego issues - it's the identification with the gross body - all those trillions of insect-cells freaking out all the time.
Then he adds,
"Our goal is to learn how to manage this space and I need to tell you here (and it’s extremely important to understand) that no kind of meaningful control will come until subtle awareness is there, until you make a shift in your awareness from gross to subtle, otherwise all the things you’ll be doing will be based on physical: physical breathing, physical concentration, physical emotion – everything to do with physical. That’s why those who are so caught up in the gross plane they have rituals and rules and practices that are very specific and disciplined," ~ Sri Vasudeva
The rituals, rules and practices are meant to shake the soul out of its heavy identification with the gross body. But how many people who follow them really know this?!

Those with the rituals are following some kind of religious dogma, with no understanding of why, with no inner vision of what the rituals and rules and practices are supposed to do - how they are supposed to change the subtle energy of a space.

He did not going into depth on this point, but it was a hint, just a hint - because if meditation is not producing any kind of change on a subtle level, well I might as well be watching T.V. or washing the dishes, huh? And we see people doing the religious things but their mind is all over the place so really they are just washing dishes - because nothing is changing in their inner world, and their ego continues to be pulled by gross body identification and the strong urges of the reptilian and limbic brain.

Without an understanding of mysticism, religion doesn't do much IMO.

Practice the practice with multi-dimensional awareness
He's been going on for days and every year now about the three brains, putting head, heart and the navel area to work during spiritual practice. It's no good only doing it half-hearted, not if I want it to work for me. One gets jaded, one gets tired, especially when the results are not coming - or don't seem to be.

Reminds me of that saying "before enlightenment chop wood, carry water, after enlightenment chop wood, carry water" - it isn't the practice that it's important, it's the awareness one puts into it. The enlightened person doesn't automatically sprout wings and do magic tricks. The enlighten person goes on living as they did before - only in high gear, with all the lights turned on, and everything under their conscious control.

More to follow...
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