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Old 16-05-2016, 05:10 PM
Somnia Somnia is offline
Join Date: Oct 2011
Location: East Texas
Posts: 1,375
That's a pretty cool experience, Moon Glow...

I can not say if I had any past lives as an animal as I do not have any memories, but if I did I highly suspect I was a wolf in a past life...Mostly because I feel very strongly connected to wolves on a deep/integrated level and have felt this way for as long as I can remember...It wasn't until I discovered the online Therianthropy community in the late 90s that things started to make a bit more sense to me, but now I'm questioning this aspect of my being, which is not the first time I've questioned this part of myself...Anyway...

Moon Glow I have a question for you...Do you ever feel as if some of the animal traits have carried over into your current life? Meaning do you ever sometimes feel as if you are this animal on some level? Or is more of a faded memory?
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