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Old 16-05-2016, 04:47 PM
WabiSabi WabiSabi is offline
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Originally Posted by Moon_Glow
Hi Wabi Sabi!

It didn't scare me at all - I only got nervous and wanted it to stop when I got to the "end" or at least being surrounded by humans... I knew it wasn't going to end well but I would love to see what the beginning of that lifetime was like...

That's cool that you have vivid memories of a galaxy far, far away :0 I think that is really exciting... when I was doing that meditation the other day I was going to ask my guides to show me my galactic origins but I opted to check out my first Earthly incarnation.

I really love your thoughts on reincarnation. No matter how you look at it it is a beautiful and magical process - taking the fear out of the unknown...

The thing is, I can't necessarily recall living there. I don't remember who or what I was, who or what I may have been. All I ever see is a snapshot, like a landscape photograph, and perhaps some sort of emotion or thought that comes along with it.

For example, I see a white-sand beach that stretches as far as I can see to the right and the left. I am facing a beautiful azure sea, and the waters are gently lapping upon the shore. There is a natural stone arch standing some ways out, but there is no real reference so I can't tell how close or far it is, or how big it is. If I turn around, there are strange plants that are perfectly normal yet something I have never seen before, I name them umbrella trees. There is an orange sun setting into the sea, and above it a very large blue gas giant planet with a ring around it. As the sun is nearly gone, a large creature with what seems like armor plates breaches the surface of the water and dives back under. I wonder what sort of life this sea may harbor. I remain there, watching the sea until the sun is gone, and the stars emerge, and I am faced with an astounding sky, stars brighter than I have ever seen from Earth, and that glowing gas giant. I guess that this planet I am on is a moon to the gas giant.

But such a view as that does not speak to me of a life I have lived. It is just a place, what I am experiencing is just a perspective. And yet I know this place to be real, to exist somewhere in the universe.

There are many others as well, some which feel more familiar.
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