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Old 16-05-2016, 12:49 PM
Serrao Serrao is offline
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Originally Posted by Gem
In my case, I don't know what the answers are, but I have been in hairy situations that involve people getting hurt. It requires making judgments without having any idea what 'is for the best'. There may be no rational or moral basis for a final decision. In the end, something is done and there are consequences, and it's a fact thereafter, but the lived experience is not similar to life goes on or it just is. There is a peculiar sort of lesson involved, but not one where you 'find something out' or 'know what to do next time'. It's more like you grow to understand something ... um ... intangible, but with a powerful effect of you as a person. During and afterward you become starkly aware of how inhibitions of fears, how bias and self servitude as well as social pressures affected things, for examples, and are impelled to face certain home truths as part of the process - while being given no comfort that the 'lessons' will let you 'know better' next time around. It's a difficulty that is distressing and changes the way you are somehow.
This reminds me of a documentary I saw once on television.
It was about a tibetan monk who was mistreated by the chinese.
All this monk tried was to not hate.
The interviewer said that the chinese deserved to be hated.
And the person who was being interviewed answered: The mind of a yogi is difficult to understand.

Now that's moral and ethics; stay acting according to your moral, no matter what, and afterwards life just goes on...
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