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Old 16-05-2016, 11:53 AM
Kayleighloves Kayleighloves is offline
Join Date: Feb 2015
Posts: 26
Originally Posted by Unseelie Queen
if you google "Cottingley fairies" you can read more about it; it was an innocent hoax created by two girls in 1917 I believe. They might be making a movie about it though!
There is an old movie about the faeries called 'fairytale' :)

I've seen the shadow of a faery, it looked like the ones in the picture, I've also seen light shimmering through grass and disappearing, I've looked through a seeing stone before and see lights and movement, and I once had to do a double take as I could of sworn I saw some gnomes- however I can't be too sure!
I often sense their presence, and sometimes hear bells when there aren't any around. I have seen things in meditations as well :)
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