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Old 09-05-2016, 02:31 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by CrystalSong
That is fascinating and I'm going to look into it more! It is amazing how all Paths eventually led to the same place indeed!

How we get the single long chain organics into the metal in layers in in several ways. The most common one is mixing metal shavings and coils of various types and sizes into epoxy or fiber glass resin both of which count as single long chain organics. This makes a mixture that can be poured into any mold size or shape. For flexible orgone generaters we use reels metal wools of various types and sizes and roll them out in layers, between each layer of metal is a layer of silk, or wool or hemp or jute or cotton or linen or any natural fiber which counts as our long chain organic.
Somewhere on line is a list which list the ratio of metal length to EMF wave, in this way we can determine the length of antenna needed to pul out the varios EMF's.
The High and low end of the spectrum is the hardest to pull out. Sonar requires an antenna several miles long and at the highest end of the spectrum we're talking antenna in the nanoparticle range. So obviously building a full spectrum antenna is almost impossible for the backyard engineer to build. But we're getting closer by using reels of very thin wires and on the other end of the spectrum we're using iron oxide in talc form.
How we're wiring crystls into the orgone matrix is creating energy movement and amphlification. Here's a link to something similar to what we're doing

My knowledge of crystals and the ability to communicate with them and program them has been very useful and an addition to Reich's development of the original Orgone Accumulator technology.

My partner and I both fly often so we use the scanners at the airport and TSA's reactions to test our OG's and orgonite's. It's most amusing - the OG's radically eats the scanners X-Rays in it's attempt to 'cure the broken energy waves by calling in massive amounts of cosmic energy. Our carry-on's glow green on the screen blocking out any visual information of the interior of the case. Needless to say we get searched every time we carry more than one OG and occasionally when we carry only one. It's a nuisance but a cheap way for the backyard engineer to test OG runs on at least one kind of EMF. LOL

We just finished building a large Therapy Bed made entirely of Orgonite with a crystal bio mat in the center emitting 244.5 Mhz. It's a Beauty and cranks out the energy. I'll see if I can upload a photo of it later.

A client laying on it is then covered with a sheet which is approxmently 60% silver and 40% nylon which is them hooked into the orgone matrix making the person essentially inside a Fairday cage and completely shielded from EMF's. It's amazing what's out there on the market these days and how with a little knowledge and ingenuity we can build such useful things to undo some of the damage of modern life.

There are some nano-particle beads being manufactured which could be highly useful in orgone tech but we can't afford them to do testing. We tried to get the manufacture to sell us any imperfect lots or batches for testing on our end but they wouldn't. Maybe some day we can afford them. Right now it's stretching us to by the metal impregnated fabrics available now on the market.

So much fun stuff to be explored!!!
Now, all that is very interesting to me, especially how x-rays interact with terahertz rays (this is where I'm currently at in my investigations) and the schematics for the DWR.

This whole thing actually started with a Faraday Cage.

People wondered why I wouldn't place my Spirit Box within one and I was like "ghosts rely on raw RF to communicate, just as much as the radio does" and terahertz radiation has the same properties as almost all radiation out there, in that it cannot pass through a metallic object (or even water, for that matter).

I'm still far from being convinced that these 'beings' are comprised of electromagnetic energy somewhere within the wavelength spectrum of the 'terahertz gap', however I'm still correlating the SI multiples using Planck's constant to try and work out the radians per second (and I think I'm not going to go too far into doing this).

I'm also still studying how the RF Resonant Cavity Thruster (Cannae Drive) managed to spit out actual acceleration data over potential acceleration data - that may never be known.

Building a full-spectrum antenna would be a dream for me, albeit a highly fanciful one and all I have to go on about Sonar antennas is the Duga Radar array in Russia and how, in 1965 and again in 1977, a tone created by this array known as the 'Russian woodpecker tone' blacked out about half of North America.

Which of course led me to study the 'Frey Effect' or the 'Microwave Auditory effect', culminating in me going ' that's how hearing aids work'. lol

The closest I can get to a 'full spectrum antenna' would be a 'full spectrum camera' but even that is limited in range (and expensive to buy).

I do however have the plans for an all-band receiver which I am very interested in building:

There's just a lot to all of this and I feel we may be sitting on two important pieces of a whole jigsaw's amazing.
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