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Old 07-05-2016, 12:33 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Delsol
Smallandcute, I tend to sense there is no light and dark; there is only light (source) and the lack of it, meaning a moving away from it which gives the experience of darkness. You can roam back and forth to your heart's desire - and must, especially as a Scorp! Ha ha - but bear in mind that leaning towards darkness may not be so much selecting a 'side' to focus on so much as getting futher away from the truth, meaning further away from clarity. Just food for thought. I am no expert.

Necromancer, what a funny experience. I like your bold vibe.

Not related at all, but my name happens to be Shannon. Now, I can go weeks without noticing my name in print, but today this is the thrid time I've seen it boldly displayed - in my face. Hmmm. What up with that? Lol.

Thank you...not many can appreciate it.

The above story I told, leads me on to another one in a similar capacity.

I was watching a video about a year ago, where this famous team of English 'ghost hunters' went into an ancient castle somewhere over there, and they were trying to make contact with the ghost of King Richard III.

After a while of using the PSB-7 on a reverse sweep of the FM band at 200 megacycles - which I can hone into like a beacon at that particular frequency (and it's funny how on the AM band, I can hear absolutely nothing at all)...but anyway, after about 3 minutes of ghost boxing, the name "Richard" came through and the investigators were elated, going "we've done it, it's Richard III" however, after they asked "Can you tell me your name", they didn't hear the first three spirits who went "Michael", "Bob" and "James" and the spirit called 'Bob' saying "they're here looking for RICHARD" and paying particular attention to emphasise that name, to make the investigators think they had actually contacted Richard III - it was quite funny actually.

Many of these ghost box users are only getting a little bit of the story and they run with it, telling the spirits things they only half-heard and expecting the spirits to base all their responses on that limited information, so it's no wonder the spirits get bored, cheesed off and start mucking around with the investigators.
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