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Old 06-05-2016, 02:17 PM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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I have a little story to tell, which could belong on a few threads I'm currently subscribing to, but this one will do.

There is a Ghost Box user on Youtube called 'Shannon', and although he's a nice guy and good ITC technician, he's a lousy clairaudient (and my mentoring has fallen on deaf ears....ah well).

He totally believes that 'The Devil' is sending him messages through his Ghost Box, but he's only really getting like about 20% of the whole conversation, paying particular attention to phrases like "Devil" and "Satan" and "Message" and basically anything which only parrots or paraphrases those questions he is asking.

...and unfortunate as the case may be, I can also hear the other 80%.

In one of his last sessions, he got a 'message from Satan', but all it was, was 4 major spirits and 3 minor ones all trying to outdo each other to see who could come through the box the loudest to try and scare the pants of him.

This culminated in the clearest and best Spirit Box reply I have ever heard; "The Devil Says F*** Off" and my jaw dropped on the floor...not because it was a bad spirit/devil/demon, but due to the amount of energy it must have taken that spirit to impress those words on that particular frequency of the RF band, knowing as I do, how they do it....classic 'class A' EVP, right there.

It's a pity that after that, Shannon didn't hear the part that went "poor baby, Shannon" and "that'll teach him" and "yeah, it was funny but" and them all laughing at his expense.

I spent hours on that 9 minute session, going through every second of it and transcribing every response I heard and at the exact second I heard it...however, Shannon still believes he's got a 'hotline to Hell'...ah well.
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