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Old 05-05-2016, 01:14 AM
Shivani Devi Shivani Devi is offline
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Originally Posted by Lynn

It would depend I feel on what you would call "dark" I was with a group of Paranormal Investigators once and I was the Medium for them. We were doing an investigation on a property where a serial killer had kept his victims, and he was very much still there in spirit. He wanted to leave he was what I call "Earth Bound" or in "Ghost" state of being. There had been many Mediums and Psychics at this place before and he told me NONE would help him, some even went as far as to tell him he deserved to rot in his own pit of "H". I was stunned, as there is a crossing for everyone, even those that do horrible things in life. In understanding some of his childhood traumas I understood his path more. While I in no way condone violence or the acts he did, too I feel that we all have life paths that are not GOOD one's on our Soul path to Enlightenment. Do we not have to understand it all in all aspects of what man can do ?

I crossed him over and there was no "pit" for him there was Light there and a feeling of calm around the house when he left. It went on to be sold to a family that has lived there very happily for years. They told me that the heavy feelings in the town this event happened in too have lifted. That there is move vibrancy and success in business there.

I too have talked to other Mediums that so feel his place was Earth he was evil. His acts yes were not good but was he evil ? He was tormented and tormented and tortured in that is fault and he snapped.

I work in the Light and I work in the Dark, I take on at times things that no one wants to take on. I have played in the Dark and I now work in the Light and to get to where I am now I needed to find that place of understanding first then that place of balance second.

Like all things there are those that choose to be in the Dark places in this lifetime, and that maybe is just their Soul path of explorations.

All I can say, is that you have done what I could only dream of doing one day.

I've been to a few local haunted places (which weren't very 'haunted') solo and I've been doing this for 18-20 months so I'm still a bit of a 'newbie', however, I'm up for learning new tricks as this dog ain't quite that old, yet.

Problem is, I live in an area where it's about 200kms to the nearest Paranormal Team and there's only one I'd join anyway, pretty much (there's just stuff I feel that particularly 'gets me' whenever I watch their videos on Youtube and that is S.P.I.R.I.T...but I digress). I'd love to go to Monte Christo and do an investigation.

My specialty is in audio tech as well as clairaudiency and that's my biggest 'Achille's Heel' pawing through hours of voice recognition software to be able to distinguish sounds that are made either electronically or by a human glottis, but that's just what I do in my 'spare time'.

I also like mucking around with any piece of equipment from the Raudive TSR antenna measuring VLF currents, to the latest PC apps in the search for distinctions between previous ITC voices as heard on tape then and what people are getting through now...but again, just a hobby.

I guess I'm forever trying to justify all this with pseudo science - that's just a bad habit, albeit an enjoyable one...noting the PSB-11 is way too bulky for field work...and I am still at a loss to explain the physics behind how spirits use raw RF to send messages through my spirit box, but I have been given a few good theories about how it's done.
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