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Old 02-05-2016, 03:50 PM
Unseelie Queen Unseelie Queen is offline
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Originally Posted by Moon_Glow
Hi guys! Late to the party! :)

This photo gives me the feeling of being watched.... just very, very strong feeling of not being a lot - she is always watching even when she isn't showing herself or letting her presence be known. For some reason I feel like she has some sort of obsession with your brother in law - like she is trying to get him to listen to something because he reminds her of someone. She feels very frustrated to me. Not hostile, just like pulling out her hair trying to get the correct attention... like there is a miscommunication going on. I feel like she has been trying for a long time to get a message across and no one is paying attention to her.

I want to add that she is in the light area - right near him - I guess by the door. She is right there.
Thank you! That makes sense as well. I have told T. before that she seems to desperately want to tell him something or make him understand something. I wish he would linger for even five seconds when he sees her-- but he is always so startled that he walks away instantly and does not even look at her. Which is why I am willing to try to attempt communication on her behalf (next time I visit), if and when she is willing to do that. I wasn't sure if she was right by him even when others are around, though that isn't surprising. I've sensed her strongly when he's cooking in the kitchen at night. He too has said "she's always there", but for whatever reason, he seems frightened by her. I have tried gently at times to speak to her when I was there last, but she felt resistant and I wasn't very good at these things back then. I wonder if she is responsible for my feeling like I have an audience anytime I tried to sleep there. (Apologies if this looks jumbled; I'm typing this on my phone at the social security office, so). T has had some near death experiences; I wonder if any of those originally drew her in somehow. Though he started seeing her as a teenager I don't know when she actually began following him.
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