Thread: Black Magic
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Old 14-11-2006, 11:56 PM
Posts: n/a
Thank you Kate, I do my best never to doubt anything, for I feel all is spiritual to me. I have used simular protectors at front and back door of house. I have seen spiritual rituals perfromed for the good of many people. I have garlic haven't heard or camphor in a very long time. I believe I know where to find the crystals which have proven to be helpful long time ago when used for protection. If it is the tree I must find please let me know. I will also find the menthol blocks. Ya see Kate I feel if it is of natural property it has an energetic force and energy can be directed my man. Thank you for taking time to share with me I appreciate you, blessing of love my dear Kate.

Love to all

Originally Posted by pepperi
I just wanted to put my two cents in here: That coldness you feel is probably a spirit next to you. I'm not sure if they were good or bad. I have much experience in this area as my religion is vodou and this happened to my father. When I was younger I was surrounded somewhat with spirits and tarot reading spells and such. My father never really believed in these things. He became different one day, sorda zombish. He freaked me out because he used to leave forks and knives under the sofa. At the time I believed he was going nuts. As I got older and studied more, I realized my father in some way was trying to protect himself by hiding the utensils everywhere. Anyway we tried to fix the problem but he was too far gone. After that I realized that there are evil people out there but they can't hurt me unless I let them. My spirits protect because I acknowledge them and pray to them always. I feel you need to do the same. Everyone has a guardian angel spirit guide or whatever. You can continue doing meditation because I feel you may have been connecting to your guide. Once you do this your guide will begin protecting you. To go one step further, place three pieces of garlic and camphor(little white blocks of menthol) in a clean cup(never to be used for anything else) and placed in the corner of the front door to the house or apartment. This will protect your home against negative energies. If you also like I can prescribe a spiritual bath that "may" help. You can also carry around a blessed citrine stone to help your body recover somewhat. Hope this helps some. Be blessed Kat